比赛章程 | 2023年第五届郎朗·深圳福田国际钢琴艺术节暨“福田杯”全国青少年钢琴精英赛
Application Information
1.坚持自愿参赛原则,选手自愿报名或由老师推荐。Voluntary Principle should be observed in the Competition. Applications will be accepted by personal entry or teacher recommendation.
No entry fees or other related fees will be charged for the competition or for the Festival. (Personal travel and accommodation expenses during the festival need to be paid by the competitors themselves.)3.初赛报名及上传视频时间:2023年3月6日-2023年4月6日。
Preliminary Contest Application and Video Uploading Deadline: March. 6th, 2023 to April. 6th, 20234.初赛报名步骤
Preliminary Contest Application Procedures:⑴认真阅读比赛章程,了解组别及比赛曲目要求,并按以下要求录制好参赛视频。Read the competition regulation carefully and follow the directions below to record the videos .⑵录制参赛视频要求 Recording Requirements① 视频需是参赛者本人近期录制作品;Recordings must be genuine and recently performed by the applicant.② 画面一镜到底,不能有任何剪切与混音;Recordings may not be edited, nor should any effects such as “reverb” be added.③ 音画质量高,并且要清楚看到演奏者全身。Ensure that recordings are of good quality and the whole body of the applicant can be seen very clearly.⑶登陆大赛网站http://llpf.langlangmusicworld.com,点击“初赛报名”,根据提示填写报名表并上传电子版一寸彩色免冠照片、本人身份证或户口本清晰扫描件及参赛视频。Click http://llpf.langlangmusicworld.com/ and follow the instructions to complete the Application Form and upload the recording,also the scanned file of the applicant photo and ID copy.
Semi-final list will be announced on the official website by April. 11th, 2023 and the competitors will receive a notification email from the committee.
P.S. Valid application will due to unclear application information.Once the application is submitted, all the materials will be confidential.The committee reserves the right to ask for more information.
About the Competition CommitteeWEB
No.9028-1,Shennan Boulevard,Nanshan District,Shenzhen
Group Identity
Aged 8 to 10(Between Jan. 1st , 2012 to Dec. 31st ,2014)A2组 Group A2 for Children11-13岁(2009年1月1日-2011年12月31日间出生)
Aged 11 to 13(Between Jan. 1st , 2009 to Dec. 31st ,2011)B组少年组 Group B for Juniors
Aged 14 to 16(Between Jan. 1st , 2006 to Dec. 31st ,2008)C1组 Group C1 for Professionals
Aged 13 to 17(Between Jan. 1st , 2005 to Dec. 31st ,2009)
C2组 Group C2 for Professionals
Aged 18 to 24(Between Jan. 1st , 1998 to Dec. 31st ,2004)
Competition Procedures and Repertoire
1.赛程 Competition Procedures:
A1、A2、B、C1、C2五组比赛分三大进程进行,即:视频海选初赛、复赛、决赛。Group A1,A2,B,C1and C2 Competition Procedures:Preliminary Contest(submit prescreening video), Semi-finals and Finals.以上时间安排,以最终公示为准,请及时关注最新网站及现场公布信息。由于不可抗力因素,影响大赛的管理、安全、评审或公正性的情况下,大赛执行组有权单方面推迟或取消大赛部分或全部的比赛。Please check our website for newest updates in scheduling and results. Due to force majeure that will affect the organizing, safety and justice, the committee reserves the right to postpone or cancel part of or the entire competition.
2.比赛曲目设置 Group Repertoire:
<儿童A1组>Group A1 for Children
初赛 Pre. Contest
曲目要求Rrepertoire Rrequirement总时间不超过8分钟的一首或多首不同风格的钢琴独奏曲目,须包括一首练习曲。
One or more contrasting solo piano pieces under 8 minutes, including one etude. The competitor cannot use the same program for mass-election.
Upload the recording to the assigned website.复赛 Semi-final
曲目要求Rrepertoire Rrequirement总时间不超过8分钟的一首或多首不同风格的钢琴独奏曲目,可与初赛重复。
One or more contrasting solo piano pieces under 8 minutes. The competitor may use the same program for the preliminary contest.
现场演奏 Live performance
决赛 Final
曲目要求Rrepertoire Rrequirement一首中国作品及一首或多首不同风格的钢琴独奏曲目,不得与初、复赛重复,时间不超过10分钟。
One Chinese work,one or more contrasting solo piano pieces under 10 minutes. The competitor cannot use the same program for the preliminary contest nor the semi-final.
比赛形式Format现场演奏 Live performance
Group A2 for Children
初赛 Pre. Contest
曲目要求Rrepertoire Rrequirement总时间不超过10分钟的一首或多首不同风格的钢琴独奏曲目,须包括一首练习曲。
One or more contrasting solo piano pieces under 10 minutes, including one etude. The competitor cannot use the same program for mass-election.
Upload the recording to the assigned website.复赛 Semi-final
曲目要求Rrepertoire Rrequirement总时间不超过10分钟的一首或多首不同风格的钢琴独奏曲目,可与初赛重复。
One or more contrasting solo piano pieces under 10 minutes. The competitor may use the same program for the preliminary contest.
现场演奏 Live performance
决赛 Final
曲目要求Rrepertoire Rrequirement一首中国作品及一首或多首不同风格的钢琴独奏曲目,不得与初、复赛重复,时间不超过10分钟。
One Chinese work,one or more contrasting solo piano pieces under 10 minutes. The competitor cannot use the same program for the preliminary contest nor the semi-final.
比赛形式Format现场演奏 Live performance
Group B for Juniors
初赛 Pre. Contest
曲目要求Rrepertoire Rrequirement总时间不超过10分钟的两首或多首不同风格的钢琴独奏曲目,须包括一首巴洛克时期的复调作品。
Two or more contrasting solo piano pieces under 10 minutes, including one piece of polyphonic music from Baroque Period.
复赛 Semi-final
曲目要求Rrepertoire Rrequirements
Two or more contrasting solo piano pieces under 15 minutes. The competitor may use the same program for the preliminary contest.
现场演奏 Live performance
决赛 Final
曲目要求Rrepertoire Rrequirements一首中国作品及一首或多首自选作品,不得与初、复赛重复,时间不超过15分钟。One Chinese work, one or more free choice works under 15 minutes. The competitor cannot use the same program for the preliminary contest nor the semi-final.
现场演奏 Live performance
Group C1 for Professionals
初赛 Pre. Contest
曲目要求Rrepertoire Rrequirements
Two or more contrasting solo piano pieces under 15 minutes.
Upload the recording to the assigned website.
复赛 Semi-final
曲目要求Rrepertoire Rrequirements
Two or more contrasting solo piano pieces under 20 minutes. The competitor cannot use the same program for the preliminary contest. Including one Sonata-Allegro movement.
现场演奏 Live performance
决赛 Final
曲目要求Rrepertoire Rrequirements
One piano concerto from the following requirement list.
莫扎特:D小调第二十钢琴协奏曲,K.466Mozart-Piano Concerto No.20 in D minor, K.466莫扎特:A大调第二十三钢琴协奏曲,K.488Mozart-Piano Concerto No.23 in A major, K.488贝多芬:降B大调第二钢琴协奏曲,作品19Beethoven-Piano Concerto No. 2 in B-Flat Major, Op. 19格里格:A小调第一钢琴协奏曲Grieg-Piano Concerto in A Minor,Op.16普罗科菲耶夫:C大调第三钢琴协奏曲,作品26
Prokofiev-Piano Concerto No.3 in C Major,Op.26拉赫玛尼诺夫:C小调第二钢琴协奏曲,作品18Rachmaninov-Piano Concerto No.2 in c minor,Op.18柴可夫斯基:第一钢琴协奏曲,作品23Tchaikovsky-Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-Flat Minor, Op. 23
Group C2 for Professionals
初赛 Pre. Contest
曲目要求Rrepertoire Rrequirements
Two or more contrasting solo piano pieces under 15 minutes.
Upload the recording to the assigned website.
复赛 Semi-final
曲目要求Rrepertoire Rrequirements
Two or more contrasting solo piano pieces under 20 minutes. The competitor cannot use the same program for the preliminary contest. Including one Sonata-Allegro movement.
现场演奏 Live performance
决赛 Final
曲目要求Rrepertoire Rrequirements
Chopin-Piano Concerto No. 1 in E Minor, Op. 11舒曼:A小调钢琴协奏曲,作品54
Schumann-Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op.54
普罗科菲耶夫:C大调第三钢琴协奏曲,作品26Prokofiev-Piano Concerto No.3 in C Major,Op.26拉赫玛尼诺夫:C小调第二钢琴协奏曲,作品18Rachmaninov-Piano Concerto No.2 in C Minor,Op.18柴可夫斯基:第一钢琴协奏曲,作品23Tchaikovsky-Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-Flat Minor, Op. 23
Competition Rules
Only one group can be applied and should be applied base on the age.Order of the competitor’s performance will be decided through random selection, and the order will remain throughout the entire competition. Competitors can check the order from the official website.Competitors not coming to the draw shall be deemed as abstained. Competitors should arrive at the venue on time, otherwise the qualification will be forfeited automatically. Please see the notification from the committee.2.比赛当天,参赛者根据出场先后顺序预估提前15-30分钟到场,无须全天等候比赛。
According to performance number, competitors may arrive at the venue 15-30 minutes before, with no need to wait all day.3.比赛一律背谱演奏,演奏顺序按照比赛曲目要求由评委会规定。
Competitors should play from memory. Order of performance will be decided by the judging panel.4.参赛者不得临时更改曲目,演奏曲目如果与报名表不符,比赛现场评委有权终止选手的演奏,即取消比赛资格。
Competitors cannot change the program. The judges reserve the right to discontinue competitor’s performance with any changed program from the application form.5.企图与组委会及评委会任何成员私下沟通的任何参赛者,或其他人代为做出此行为的参赛者,都将被取消参赛资格。
Any competitor or related people who try to communicate with any panel member in person will be disqualified.6.所有参赛者比赛时应穿着正式服装。
All competitors should dress up properly.7.大赛组委会有权拒绝或终止不符合参赛资格者或违规者参赛。
The organization committee reserve to right to object or discontinue any unqualified competitor or rule-breaker.8.比赛结果以评委会评审结果为准,任何人不得异议。
The decision of the judging panel will be final and may not be disputed by anyone.9.参赛者的演奏如超过时间规定,评委会可终止参赛者的演奏,不影响其参赛成绩。
The judging panel also reserve the right to discontinue competitor’s performance if they deem appropriate.10.5月12日-5月18日艺术节活动期间,复赛选手可免费观摩所有活动,包括大师课、讲座及音乐会。
During May 12th to May 18th, Semi-Final competitors may attend all Festival Events including Master Classes, Lectures and Concerts without any extra fee.11.进入第二轮比赛(复赛)且未进决赛的选手将获得奖状。
Semi-final competitors who fail to qualify for the final will receive certificates of merit.12.未进决赛者有机会获得大师课上课名额。Competitors may have chance to take master class if not get into final.13.进入决赛者组委会将承担决赛期间的酒店住宿。
Final competitors’ accommodation will be provided by the committee.14.组委会按照统一安排为所有参赛选手提供练习用琴,并将为进入决赛的选手安排一次与乐团合练。
The Organizing Committee will make practice pianos available to all competitors. Competitors passed into the final will have one rehearsal with the orchestra.15.比赛评委会有权决定奖项并列及空缺。
The judging panel will have the right to decide to award a prize to more than one competitor, or not to award a prize to any competitor.16.大赛可增设其他特别奖。
An extra prize of the Competition may be set up.17.获奖选手的奖状、特别奖和额外奖励将在获奖者音乐会上颁发。
The certificates of merit, special prizes and Additional prize will be awarded in the prize-winners’ concert.18.获奖选手应按中国法律缴纳所得税。
The prize-winners shall pay income tax according to Chinese law.19.获奖选手的奖学金将在所有音乐会结束后颁发(不晚于2023年5月30日)。
The scholarship will be awarded upon completion of all concerts concerned (no later than May 30h, 2023).20.所有获奖选手有免酬参加获奖者音乐会的义务。缺席获奖者音乐会演出者将失去其奖金,获奖者需演奏组委会指定曲目。
All prize-winners will be required to play without remuneration in the Award Concert.An absence from the prize-winners’ concert will be tantamount to the giving up of prize money. The prize-winners will be required to perform the exact repertoire as established by the Organizing Committee.21.参赛选手向组委会无偿出让以下权益:预选赛和正式比赛时的演奏版权、获奖者音乐会的演奏版权、预选赛及正式比赛和获奖者音乐会的所有影像和录音版权(以上演奏版权的出让包括复制邻接权、用于出售、转让、计算机储存和在网络上发布、向公众重播、展示、放映、许可、通过地面站或卫星进行有线或无线传播、通过电台和电视台实况转播和录播等)。
Competitors shall assign the following rights and interests free of charge to the Organizing Committee:The copyrights to performances and all audiovisual recordings of the preliminary round, main competition and prize-winner’s concert (Assignment of the above-mentioned copyrights to performances includes reproducing, offering for sale, transferring, storing in computer and making available over the Internet; public replaying, exhibiting, displaying and licensing; cable and wireless dissemination by ground transmitters or satellite; live broadcasting and replaying via radio or TV).22.如遇不可抗力致使比赛无法进行,组委会不承担任何责任。
The Organizing Committee will not bear any liability for the cancellation or discontinuation of the Competition due to an event of force majeure.23.此章程以中文文本为准,解释权归赛事组委会。
In case of doubt, the Chinese version hereof shall prevail. The Organizing Committee will retain the right to interpreting the Rules.24.此章程发布后如有变动以组委会官方网站最新公布为准。
The Rules may be subject to change. The latest version of the Rules released on the official website of the Organizing Committee shall prevail.25.所有报名参赛单位、参赛者均被视为同意并自愿遵守本届大赛比赛章程,除非另行规定。
Competitors will need to observe all competition rules. 五奖项设置About the Prizes
Group A1 for Children第一名
First prize设1名,奖学金 :人民币10000元(税前)+证书、奖杯
¥10000(pre-tax)+Certificate,Trophy(One Winner)第二名
SECOND prize设1名,奖学金 :人民币8000元(税前)+证书、奖杯
¥8000(pre-tax)+Certificate,Trophy(One Winner)第三名
THIRD prize设1名,奖学金 :人民币5000元(税前)+证书、奖杯
¥5000(pre-tax)+Certificate,Trophy(One Winner)中国作品奖
CHINESE WORK SPECIAL AWARD设1名,奖学金 :人民币5000元(税前)+证书、奖杯
¥5000(pre-tax)+Certificate,Trophy(One Winner)
Group A2 for Children第一名
FIRST PRIZE设1名,奖学金 :人民币15000元(税前)+证书、奖杯
¥15000(pre-tax)+Certificate,Trophy(One Winner)第二名
SECOND PRIZE设1名,奖学金 :人民币10000元(税前)+证书、奖杯
¥10000(pre-tax)+Certificate,Trophy(One Winner)第三名
THIRD PRIZE设1名,奖学金 :人民币8000元(税前)+证书、奖杯
¥8000(pre-tax)+Certificate,Trophy(One Winner)中国作品奖
CHINESE WORK SPECIAL AWARD设1名,奖学金 :人民币8000元(税前)+证书、奖杯
¥8000(pre-tax)+Certificate,Trophy(One Winner)
* 儿童A1、A2组第一名、中国作品奖可参加5月18日晚闭幕式暨颁奖典礼并演奏获奖曲目一首。Children Group’s First Prize and Chinese Work Special Award Winners can perform one piece in the Closing Ceremony on May 18th,2023.
Group B for Juniors第一名
First prize设1名,奖学金:人民币30000元(税前)+证书、奖杯¥30000(pre-tax)+Certificate,Trophy(One Winner)第二名
SECOND prize设1名,奖学金:人民币20000元(税前)+证书、奖杯¥20000(pre-tax)+Certificate,Trophy(One Winner)第三名
THIRD prize设1名,奖学金:人民币10000元(税前)+证书、奖杯
¥10000(pre-tax)+Certificate,Trophy(One Winner)中国作品奖
CHINESE work special award设1名,奖学金:人民币10000元(税前)+证书、奖杯
¥10000(pre-tax)+Certificate,Trophy(One Winner) * 少年组第一名、中国作品奖可参加5月18日晚闭幕式暨颁奖典礼并演奏获奖曲目一首。Junior Group’s First Prize and Chinese Work Special Award Winners can perform one piece in the Closing Ceremony on May 18th,2023. <专业C1组>
Group C1 for Professionals第一名
First prize设1名,奖学金:人民币150000元(税前)+证书、奖杯 ¥150000(pre-tax)+Certificate,Trophy(One Winner)第二名
SECOND prize
¥100000(pre-tax)+Certificate,Trophy(One Winner)第三名THIRD prize设1名,奖学金:人民币50000元(税前)+证书、奖杯¥50000(pre-tax)+Certificate,Trophy(One Winner)
Group C2 for Professionals第一名
FIRST PRIZE设1名,奖学金:人民币300000元(税前)+证书、奖杯 ¥300000(pre-tax)+Certificate,Trophy(One Winner)第二名
¥150000(pre-tax)+Certificate,Trophy(One Winner)第三名THIRD PRIZE设1名,奖学金:人民币80000元(税前)+证书、奖杯¥80000(pre-tax)+Certificate,Trophy(One Winner)
*专业 C1组、C2组第一名获奖选手可参加5月18日晚闭幕式暨颁奖典礼,并与交响乐团合作演出一个乐章钢琴协奏曲。Professional Group’s First Prize Winner can perform one movement of the concerto with SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA in the Closing Ceremony on May 18th, 2023.
* 所有证书均有主办方盖章及总决赛评委的现场亲笔签名All the certificates will have Judges’ autographs and be stamped by the committee.